Our Professional Learning Curriculum

 At 4CTL, we offer an extensive professional learning curriculum for leaders, educators and students. There are over 40 modules that are integrated and tailored to your unique context and needs.

Our professional learning is based on the capability approach that develops individuals and groups in ongoing, sustainable change and contributes to personal and collective growth over time.


Our PL Curriculum Structure

The structure of the 4CTL Curriculum is based on the transformative capabilities discussed in Transforming Education: Reimagining learning, pedagogy and curriculum (2021). They are:

  • 4Cs: creativity, critical reflection, collaboration, communication

  • Leadership

  • Learning - wellbeing - assessment

  • Pedagogy

  • Curriculum

  • Values

  • Life-long Teacher education - evaluation of impact

The 4CTL Curriculum Diagram

The pathway through the 4CTL Curriculum PL responds directly to classroom, school and community requirements and imperatives. The curriculum is focused on learners’ needs and attainment, and centred on an inquiry approach to evaluate impact.

At the core of all the professional learning are the 4C capabilities: creativity, critical reflection, communication and collaboration.


Examples of Module Outlines

The Leadership Modules

  • Fundamentals of 4C Leadership (core)

  • Developing Leadership Capacity through the 4Cs

  • Developing Vision and Strategy with your Leadership Team

  • Building Leadership Capacity and Wellbeing through Professional Supervision - Reflective Practice

  • Building Leadership Capacity through Coaching and Mentoring

  • Developing Student Leaders through the 4Cs

  • Developing Culture, Vision and Strategy with Students and the Community


The 4C Modules

  • Fundamentals of Teaching, Learning & Working with Creativity - discovering and generating possibilities (core)

  • Fundamentals of Teaching, Learning & Working with Critical Reflection - identifying assumptions and taking critical action (core)

  • Fundamentals of Teaching, Learning & Working with Communication - enabling voice and agency (core)

  • Fundamentals of Teaching, Learning & Working with Collaboration - co-constructing connections (core)

  • Connecting and Integrating the 4Cs